from survivor to leader
At 15, Arthur’s home, family and village were violently attacked by a rebel army. That day he was taken from his home and forced to become a child soldier… forced to see and engage in acts of destruction… forced to witness countless acts of murder and rape.
After 3 years, he finally had an opportunity to escape. After escaping, Arthur found help and was soon brought to EI’s newly launched rehabilitation program in DR Congo (The Peace Lives Center). There, Arthur received the comprehensive care necessary to begin healing deep emotional and spiritual traumas.
Additionally, Arthur learned about peace building and developed leadership skills that will shape his future and his potential to foster positive impact in his community.
In 2013, Arthur became one of the first young men to graduate from the Peace Lives program and began university where he is studying nursing!
Arthur’s smile says much about his joy and compassion. He excels as a student and leader — now leading the children’s program of his local church. Arthur remains a part of Peace Lives Center, where he now volunteers as a mentor to a younger generation of child survivors.
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