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Empowering Leaders for Peace in D.R. Congo & Uganda

Exile International serves in the heart of Central and East Africa, where over 100,000 children have been abducted and enslaved by armed rebel groups. Exile's programs provide comprehensive rehabilitative care to rescued child soldiers and children orphaned by war throughout Eastern DRC and Nothern Uganda. The Hope Initiative empowers war-affected youth to become leaders who promote peace in communities known for violence.


Group 7005@2x
Group 7003@2x
Group 7001@2x
Group 7039@2x

Holistic Rehabilitation Includes...

Give Hope & Healing

When you give, children who would otherwise be on the streets at risk of abduction receive life-changing, comprehensive care! The boys and girls you empower today will soon become the leaders of tomorrow — their impact immeasurable. ⁠

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