Get Involved
Every Step You Take Provides Hope & Healing

Empower a Child Through Giving
From hosting a lemonade stand with your kids to starting a fundraiser on Facebook — champions of all ages can raise money for child survivors of war! Every dollar makes a difference in their redemption stories, and no gift is too small for God to use in mighty ways!

Move Mountains Through Prayer
Do you believe that prayer is our most powerful offering? Join Exile's family of committed prayer partners to receive monthly prayer requests from local leaders. Your prayers touch the lives of thousands of child survivors of war and their communities — encouraging them to press on despite the wars around them!

Raise Awareness With Your Community
Each day, you have the opportunity to use your influence to educate and connect others to God's redemption story for child survivors of war! Advocacy is as simple as sharing a story that resonates with you on social media or sending a copy of Founder Bethany William's book to a friend!
Impact That's Tangible
Thank you for being a part of over 7,800 child survivors’ stories — investments that cascade to touch countless more throughout their communities. Their redemption stories are your legacy, and this is only the beginning!
387,920 Counseling Sessions in 2022
In the last year alone, trained trauma counselors hosted nearly 400,000 individual and group healing sessions across Eastern Congo and Uganda! These world-class counseling sessions impacted the lives of 3,300+ child survivors of war and their families — all because of your compassionate care!
78% Decrease in PTSD Symptoms
After two years in Exile's rehabilitative care, clinical studies show that youth exhibit a 78% decrease in PTSD symptoms on average — overcoming flashbacks, nightmares, outbursts, and anxiety keeping them from a normal, healthy childhood. With barriers of trauma out of the way, children are better equipped to sustain healthy friendships, learn, and dream!