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Baraka’s Journey

Baraka’s Journey:
from rescued child soldier to leader for peace

Abducted twice by two different rebel groups — Baraka was one of the most traumatized young men to have entered into EI’s care programs. Due to the severe violence he witnessed and was forced to participate in, he battled nightmares, flashbacks, and other symptoms for years.

Through EI’s programs, Baraka was restored and empowered to be a leader in his community. In addition to graduating from EI’s care program, Baraka has also graduated from secondary school and recently started university.

Paying it forward

After returning to his village, Baraka started leading a Bible study with active rebels from one of the very groups that once abducted him!

In 2015, Baraka and two more EI graduates started a care program in their village — a village that has been ravaged by years of war, fighting, and rebel activity. Currently, they are serving and leading 85 rescued child soldiers [Updated 1.31.19] — utilizing the counseling curriculum that helped them heal their own wounds, leading peace-building and conflict resolution activities, and so much more. *Updated 1.31.19


Because of you… THeir healing and hope is possible!

In 2018:

  • 1,600+ children healing their wounds — being restored and empowered through art therapy, trauma counseling, discipleship, peace-building, and leadership development
  • 678 youth being educated — equipping and preparing each to pursue their dreams and serve as respected leaders in their communities
  • 36 program graduates attending university and volunteering at EI care programs — mentoring the next generation
  • 20 Care Programs in Uganda and DR Congo — restoring and empowering child survivors of war!

Education Program Beneficiaries Exponentially Exceeding Nat’l Averages

  • 95% complete their educational journey — that’s 3 & 5 times higher than averages in Uganda, 17.5%, and DR Congo, 31.7%
  • 98% completing primary school — compare that to nat’l averages in Uganda, 24.8%, and DR Congo, 54.5%


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