How exciting to be here!
Training counselors and caregivers for multiple Congolese rehabilitation centers that work with war-affected kids and former child soldiers.
Various parts to a larger puzzle – all with the same aim & hope – healing and rehabilitation for those affected by war.
With millions touched by decades of conflict… its a big vision.
“How do you eat an elephant?” “One bite at a time.”
~African proverb
3rd day has been a hit!
Participants are increasingly more engaged and adding their own experiences/insights.
I am learning heaps from each of them.
Each with their own stories of hurt and survival… now using both their experiences and training to empower their generation and the next.
As tensions appear to have mellowed some in the North Kivu area. We should be entering DRC Friday afternoon (after the last training session).
We will work directly with children and staff in Goma and Kibumba.
Should be a long, full and wonderful weekend.
After DRC, we’ll be traveling to Uganda. Meeting with the director of Children of Peace Uganda in Entebbe, then traveling with her to the North.
While in Lira/Gulu area, we’ll connect with a woman who will be aiding development of peace clubs for our current programs.
She’s from the area and has heaps of experience – having started and led many such groups with LRA-affected children.
Excited to be adding this to our programs soon.
Bit by bit… one bite at a time.
Matthew Williams