Jackson is a graduate of EI’s programs from several years ago and is now a skilled carpenter! Jackson has a successful business, built his own home, and works part-time at an EI care center teaching carpentry to youth there.
Several program graduates who apprenticed under Jackson have started their own carpentry businesses! We are incredibly proud of these young men and their entrepreneurial spirit! Two of the young men who apprenticed under Jackson have established a carpentry workshop in their rural village and are now training even more of EI’s beneficiaries with a skill that will empower them to launch into productive lives!
By teaching viable skills to youth, we are giving them opportunities to succeed and thrive in their communities just like Jackson!
This is just one of the ways we are seeing God redeeming the lives of rescued children soldiers… and empowering them to impact the lives of others.
When Moise was 10 years old he escaped a rebel group and found his way to Exile International’s program in DR Congo.
Moise was born into a vulnerable family that was not able to take care of him and his siblings. But, by being in Exile International’s program, he was able to attend school, and is now finishing primary school!
Moise enjoys spending time with other children in Exile’s program and through the Trauma Healing program he is on a path toward rehabilitation. He now reads the Bible, speaks French, sings, and shares God’s word with other children!
Moise was given the chance to not only survive, but to thrive.
From Surviving to Thriving
No longer constrained by the traumas of their past — they are becoming the leaders who will heal and transform communities, and we love celebrating their stories.
Youth in EI’s care programs are not only healing their wounds, they are being educated and empowered through leadership development programs. Why? Because these youth, these survivors, should have every opportunity excel.
Thank you for your support and for cheering them on from afar.