Meet Zahara
Zahara has known more tragedy and loss in her 15 years than most people experience in a lifetime. At a very young age, she lost both of her parents due to the ongoing war in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
After losing her parents, Zahara and her three siblings were taken in by their grandparents, despite their being very old. Soon, both grandparents began to decline, struggling with illness on and off, and unable to care for their grandchildren. A local pastor took in all of the children to help carry the load and so that they wouldn’t be left alone.
Thankfully, their pastor knew of Exile International’s Trauma Healing Center, and he introduced the children to our staff there. All four children joined our Trauma Healing Center in 2012. Zahara, the youngest of the four, was incredibly sad when she joined us, crying often and deeply sorrowful over the things she had gone through as such a small child.
When children like Zahara enter our programs, they go through individual counseling, art trauma care, Bible study, and worship communally with all the other children and staff. As Zahara walked through this process, we saw her transform. She is now a very happy little girl! She just completed her Primary School examinations and is genuinely thriving. We are thankful for the opportunity to walk alongside her through healing and restoration.
“I thank God for Exile for all they have done for me, and may God bless them.”
Sponsor a child! Pray for Zahara
.Sponsorship changes lives!
4,900+ child survivors of war have received the care that they need. Partner with us to provide rehabilitative care for 14 war-affected youth by February 14th – Valentine’s Day!
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