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Joseph: From Child Soldier to Engineer & Leader

Though once a child solider, Joseph’s life has been through a radical transformation!  Today, he is bold young peacemaker — serving and loving in his community!

Having discovered Christ as His Savior through healing and hope fostered in EI’s care programs – Joseph has also found hope for his future and empowering opportunities to achieve his dreams.

“I no longer have trauma. I want to be an engineer and I want to promote peace and love.”
– Joseph

Thank you for sharing in Joseph’s transformation and making it possible for rescued child soldiers and children orphaned by war to be restored and empowered.

A Letter from Joseph


#DidYouKnow: EI’s Mission Goes Beyond Rehabilitation

Did you know that EI empowers youth through holistic programs — comprehensively providing to healing spirits, minds and bodies. Additionally — youth are empowered through educationpeace-building, and leadership development!

Be a part of their stories. Your gifts provide holistic rehabilitation and transform child survivors of war into future leaders for peace!

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