Join us in prayer this month
Did you know November is Orphan Awareness Month?
As followers of Christ – we’re a people called to defend the fatherless, to care for the child that has no family, and visit orphans in their distress. This November, Christians across the globe are setting aside time specifically to pray for and advocate for the fatherless — both in local communities and around the world.
You’re invited to join us in prayer
Along with our hands and feet… the vulnerable need our prayers. Why? Because we rely on an all-powerful God to help us do what is only possible with and through Him. We rely on prayer partners as Exile International works in areas of great darkness to serve children orphaned by war. Join a community of people committed to seeking restoration and hope through prayer.
“Defend the cause of the fatherless.” – Isaiah 1:17
Sign-up Become a Prayer Partner
Who will be impacted?
Children orphaned by war in Uganda and DR Congo will be impacted … but so will you! As Christians see and respond to God’s call to care for orphans — lives are transformed! Through your prayers and involvement, youth like Bahati (below) are being restored and finding hope!
Bahati’s Journeyfrom rescued child soldier to leader for peace
Orphaned and abducted twice by two different rebel groups — Bahati was one of the most traumatized young men to have entered into EI’s care programs. Due to the severe violence he witnessed and was forced to participate in, he battled nightmares, flashbacks, and other symptoms for years.
Watch as Bahati shares how entering EI’s programs led to healing and hope. Spoiler alert — Bahati has since graduated EI’s care programs, secondary school and recently started university. And truly… that’s just the beginning!
Partner with Exile International for Orphan Awareness Month and join us in defending the cause of the fatherless.
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