Happy Independence Day!
Today marks a two-century-long tradition of celebrating family, friends, and food. However, freedom can mean more than fireworks and burgers, or more than even the independence of a nation. In Christ, freedom from oppression, trauma, and pain is possible. So, as we celebrate the birth of our nation and the men and women who made it possible, Exile International invites you to join us in celebrating the freedom of Jesus made available to us all!
Free to become leaders who heal and transform their own communities.
For the youth in EI’s care programs, freedom means not only healing from their wounds and traumas but empowerment and education through leadership development programs. Through this — graduates reach their dreams of becoming university students, business owners, and community leaders. No longer constrained by the pain of their past — they are becoming the leaders who heal and transform their own communities.
How can you bring empowerment and freedom?
So, what does freedom mean to YOU? How can you bring empowerment and freedom to those around you, and across the world? Keep reading to hear more about how EI’s graduates have brought freedom, healing, and the Gospel to other rescued child soldiers and children orphaned by war.