Make Healing & Hope Possible
Bring Joy into the New Year
Because of your compassion — 4,577 boys and girls experienced the unfailing hope of Christ this year, overcoming nightmares and debilitating anxiety through art therapy and counseling.
Now, we need your help to bring redemption to more youth than ever before in the new year. While you and I cannot stop a war on our own, we can ensure war will never have the last word in the lives of child survivors!
Only $125,000 away from this year's goal! Will you join us?
Bring Joy into the New Year
Because of your compassion — 4,156 boys and girls experienced the unfailing hope of Christ this year, overcoming nightmares and debilitating anxiety through art therapy and counseling.
Now, we need your help to bring redemption to more youth than ever before in the new year. While you and I cannot stop a war on our own, we can ensure war will never have the last word in the lives of child survivors!
Only $75,000 away from this year's goal! Will you join us?
Partner Where It's Needed Most
Meet needs of all sizes for boys and girls dreaming of a brighter future. From $5 to $50,000 — every dollar sows seeds for a brighter future for child survivors of war, their families, communities, and beyond!
Giving to the current greatest needs fund is your chance to provide young men and women with a safe and loving environment to heal, dream, and thrive!
When you give to current greatest needs, you support:
- Art-focused trauma care and holistic rehabilitation
- Advanced training for counselors and international leaders
- Ongoing advocacy efforts against the use of child soldiers
- Peacebuilding efforts in nations known for war

Invest in Special Projects
Serving in nations deeply affected by war, unique challenges often arise that require the compassion of Christ's global church to overcome. Be the hands and feet of Jesus when you meet the needs of children and youth whose lives have been changed by violence and grief.

Support Child-Headed Households
What happens to children who lose families to war? Forgoing an education and play, these children work daily to scrape together enough for a single meal to share. They need your help to do more than survive, experiencing the hope of Christ knowing His Church loves them.

Furnish Residential Headquarters
When a fire devastated Exile's residential HQ last December, the Exile family rallied together to rebuild and improve the care center! Furnish counseling spaces and dorms — creating a safe and welcoming environment for children to overcome trauma and dream together.

Invest in Their Success
Empower and equip young men and women with the skills necessary to fully support thriving families, impact their communities, and share the radiant love of Christ in their fields. Your gifts prepare the next generation of doctors, engineers, teachers, and leaders for peace!

Ways to Give
Mail Checks & Cash:
3534 West End Ave | Nashville, TN 37205
*2023 tax-year gifts must be postmarked on or before December 31.