Let’s dive in.
As Exile International gears up for Big Payback, where each dollar donated directly supports the Esther Fund, we figured now would be the perfect time to explain the in’s and out’s of the Esther Fund!
Who is Esther?
The backstory
We learn from the Old Testament that Esther was a Jewish woman, who after being orphaned early in life was taken in and cared for by a man named Mordecai. With the help of Mordecai, Esther persuades her husband – the king – to retract an order for the annihilation of all Jews. Because of Mordecai’s investment in Esther’s life, Esther was empowered to change her nation by saving all the Jews: “If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14 NLT)
Just like Esther, Exile dreams of the orphaned children in our programs becoming their countries’ next peace leaders!
How is this different from other areas of giving?
Esther Fund
The Esther Fund provides art-focused trauma care, education, and basic needs for orphaned children in need of sponsors. Stepping into the gap provides these children with the care and opportunities we each desire for our own children so that they can be empowered to change their nations!
Child Sponsorships
Monthly child sponsorship also provides art-focused trauma care, education, and basic needs to rescued child soldiers and children orphaned by war. 100% of all donations go directly to supporting a sponsored child. Children are a part of the program until they are self-sustaining.
Restore Partners
By giving monthly, Restore Partners support the longterm, comprehensive care of war-affected children through programming costs, salaries, supplies, and areas of greatest need. Monthly support will restore and transform lives — from rescued child soldiers to future leaders for peace!
What is the impact on the kids?
Young survivors are being empowered to become future leaders for peace through holistic care programs addressing the needs of the spirit, mind, and body — rescued orphaned children are being restored.
Today — program graduates include university graduates, engineers, counselors, pastors, skilled professionals, and community leaders — some of whom are now leading care programs in their own communities. (Read their stories here!)
No longer constrained by the traumas of their past — these youth are becoming the leaders who will heal and transform their communities for Christ!
Why should I give to the esther fund?
? For every $750 raised — a child will the life-changing they need!
? Do you want to give war-affected children healing and hope through Christ-centered, holistic care?
? Do you feel called to care for orphans in their distress? (James 1:27)
? Do you want to empower child survivors of war to become leaders of peace for their countries?
? If your heart is moved to support vulnerable children, we believe this opportunity will be a blessing to you.
You have the opportunity to change the lives of hundreds of children in DRC and Uganda. Because of you, they can transform their communities for Christ!
Give to the Esther Fund Learn More about Big Payback
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