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Honoring International Day of the African Child

Uncover History You Won’t Find in Your Textbooks

46 years ago, 10,000+ students marched the streets of Soweto, South Africa, peacefully protesting for better education. Students rallied to learn in their own languages, but government officials met their demands with sheer brutality. As a result, thousands lost their lives that afternoon.

Today, we remember the bravery of these children — advocating for basic rights for future generations at the expense of their own lives.

Recognized annually since 1991, the International Day of the African Child celebrates the courage of African children who overcame barriers historically preventing them from basic needs and human rights. Unfortunately, many of these barriers still exist, significantly affecting a child’s quality of life.

With such a grim history, why do we celebrate today?

We celebrate a brighter future. Because of God’s kindness and your faithful support, thousands of child survivors of war no longer worry about basic needs or human rights. Only because of your steadfast support and prayers can our teams provide care for the most vulnerable children in our program.

As we pause to remember the historic hardships of African children, we praise God for providing an escape for children exiled by war through your generosity. Your support affords much-needed safety, education, and holistic rehabilitation for children scarred by war.

YOU help war-affected youth overcome barriers to success by providing…


Thank you for making hope and healing possible for thousands of children! We invite you to celebrate with us today and share with your community to raise awareness for the Lord’s commitment to child survivors of war. 


Our Approach   Celebrate Hope & Healing











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