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Welcome to the team, Restore Partners!

You are making each child’s restoration and hope possible!

You make this possible!

  • 1,600+ children healing their wounds —  being restored and empowered through art therapy, trauma counseling, discipleship, peace-building, and leadership development
  • 678 youth in school (150 more than last year) — each being equipped and prepared to pursue their dreams and serve as respected leaders in their communities
  • 30 program graduates attending university and volunteering at EI care programs — mentoring the next generation!
  • 18 Care Programs in Uganda and DR Congo restoring and empowering children survivors of war!

from child survivors of war to future leaders for peace



FAQs     Partners     Our Story

Impact Report     What We Believe

bring good news to the poor  |  heal the brokenhearted  |  proclaim freedom to the captives  |  Isaiah 61:1


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