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Witnessing Love in Disaster – Letter from Bethany

Dear Friend, On May 22, Mount Nyiragongo erupted just outside of Goma, DR Congo — leaving a trail of lava that destroyed 17 villages and over 4000 homes. Amid the destruction, our teams were overwhelmed with gratitude as many of you followed along, prayed, and donated to support those in need. Still… our teams were also overwhelmed…

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The HOPE Initiative

Beyond rehabilitation From Dream to Reality With a dream that rescued child soldiers and children orphaned by war could do more than simply survive, we envisioned their pain transformed into purpose by becoming their country’s next generation of peace leaders. Who better to lead war-torn nations toward peace than children who have survived? From this…

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Disaster Relief Resources

Disaster Relief Resources for your family, church, small group, and more On May 22, 2021, Mt. Nyiragongo erupted outside of Goma, Congo, killing many, destroying homes, and displacing thousands The city of Goma in DR Congo experienced an unthinkable tragedy when Mt. Nyiragongo erupted and lava flowed into the city displacing 400,000+ (*regular updates on…

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Exile Family Homes Destroyed | Emergency Relief Needed

On May 22nd, Mount Nyiragongo erupted outside of Goma, DR Congo, killing many, destroying villages, and displacing thousands. After returning home, many families in the Exile community found their homes destroyed, even more returned to find all their possessions looted. Multiple Exile programs in Congo have been affected by the volcanic eruption. Now, is the…

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Mental Health Resources For You & Your Family

We’re here for you. Because the core of Exile’s work is the emotional health of children led by mental health experts, we understand the importance of navigating the complicated topic of mental health with the children in your life – home, youth group, classroom. We are with you and for you! We are here to equip…

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Mental Health Resources For You & Your Family

We’re here for you. Because the core of Exile’s work is the emotional health of children led by mental health experts, we understand the importance of navigating the complicated topic of mental health with the children in your life – home, youth group, classroom. We are with you and for you! We are here to…

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Impact Report

View or Download –   Your generosity and partnership make each child’s healing and hope possible! Donate Now  Become a Restore Partner

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Pasaka njema! (Happy Easter)

 Pasaka njema! (Happy Easter in Swahili) “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” — Isaiah 53:5 With Good Friday and Easter around the corner, we are reminded of God’s goodness! God came…

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Freedom for Shalom: An Excerpt From The Color of Grace Book

“Andrew, who had been in the Congo program for years, spoke for the group: ‘Momma Bethany, we have drawn our stories of pain and dreams before, but today we have decided to share our stories in a drama.’ Walking out of the tent, about twenty boys soon returned with AK-47’s made of corn shuck and…

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Storming the Heavens: An Excerpt From The Color of Grace Book

  Chapter 18 | Storming the Heavens As Exile International celebrates the 6th anniversary of The Color of Grace by EI’s founder, Bethany Haley Williams, we are providing you with a free excerpt! My heart stopped. My breath left me. Even as I write these words and recall this story, my heart races and tears…

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