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Purpose in Pain: An Excerpt From The Color of Grace Book

“When Devine was three years old, her mother found her bleeding in the forests of Congo after being raped by rebel soldiers. Devine’s mother scooped up her child and carried her two miles out of the forest. Unable to provide what her wounded daughter needed, she placed her in the arms of a man who…

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Faith: Once a slave of war, now a leader for peace

Faith – forced into slavery One day when I was 13 years old, I was home with my parents and my six younger siblings when a rebel military group attacked our village, abducted me, and took me to the bush. I was exposed to so much violence and made to be their slave. I was…

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Redemption. Healing. Hope.

 .13 Years of Healing & Hope 6,000+ children healing their wounds — being restored and empowered through art-focused trauma care, one-on-one counseling, discipleship, peace-building, and leadership development 38 rehabilitative care programs in Uganda and DR Congo — restoring and empowering child survivors of war! 78% decrease in post-traumatic stress & emotional woundedness. That’s huge!…

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Letter from the founders

Dear friends, We made it! Who would have thought this time last year we would have been home this much, traveled so little, used this much hand sanitizer, and home-schooled our children? 2020 taught us the value of a slower life and the necessity of relying on God. As we reflect on 2020, two words…

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Joseph: Hope is More than Circumstances

What happened? Traveling to-and-from care programs regularly involves dangerous crossings through rebel-held territories of Congo. While returning home from one of these care programs (overseeing an expansion and addition of more children to the care programs) — Joseph and his team were ambushed. In the ambush, Joseph was shot five times (hitting the spine and lung),…

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Giving Tuesday – Gifts Matched!

There’s Black Friday then Cyber Monday… but we have our eyes on #GIVINGTUESDAY!  On Dec 1st — let’s make healing & hope possible for 100 child survivors of war.   Double Your Impact Today | Give Now   Give Double Healing & Hope Today – Life-Changing Impact THE GOAL — 100 children empowered to overcome and thrive! With…

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Hope Wins 2020

HOPE IS WINNING Donations Matched — up to $50,000 Give Online  Give By Mail See the progress & participate in a 20-year vision Participate in a 20-year vision to provide healing & hope to 100,000 child survivors of war, transform communities & end cycles of poverty & violence.  2020 has been a tough year… yet…

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Meet Alexandra

Exile is 12 years old – so is Alexandra! “My name is Alexandra, and I am 12 years old. I arrived at Exile in April of 2015. I lost both of my parents in the war. During the war, we experienced a lot of very terrible things. Houses were looted and set on fire. People were killed.…

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12 Years of Impact!

It’s Our Birthday Month! It’s August! That means Exile International is looking back on twelve years of healing, restoration, and hope! Join us as we celebrate all month long, with giveaways, contests, and staff and students highlights!   2008 to 2020 As Exile International celebrates 12 Years of Impact, let’s look back at why and…

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Roadmap to Healing

For a rescued child soldier enrolled in EI’s care programs, this is what the journey from abduction to healing looks like, step by step. Step 1: Abduction and Captivity Children are kidnapped and forced to fight in rebel armies and many are abused and tortured. This usually occurs around age 12 but can occur as young as…

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