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Meet Fidele [Video]

Meet Fidele Abducted by a rebel army as a child. Forced into slavery and forced to be a child soldier. Today he is a graduate of Exile’s programs and a leader and teacher in his community. .  . When Exile first began 10 years ago, it was because Bethany Haley Williams (Exile’s founder &…

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Healing the Wounds of War

 . .Healing the Wounds of War As you walk through our Trauma Healing Center in Congo, you truly see what healing the wounds of trauma looks like. Local counselors and staff leading trauma healing groups for child survivors of war in a safe and loving environment.   Exile’s mission is to restore rescued child soldiers…

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Human Trafficking Awareness Month

For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” – Romans 8:15 . Did you know?  ❌ Child soldiering is a form of modern day slavery ❌ 120,000 children are currently enslaved as child…

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Celebrating New Life

 Thank you for being a big part of their redemption stories… emotional, physical, and SPIRITUAL!  Through Christ-centered, holistic care programs addressing the needs of spirit, mind and body — rescued child soldiers and orphaned children are being restored. These young survivors are also being empowered to become leaders for peace through education, discipleship, and leadership development. And…

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EI Graduate and Leader for Peace!

Jackson EI graduate | rescued child soldier | leader for peace Though once a child soldier, Jackson is NOT defined by his past. Jackson is a graduate of EI’s program and is a successful entrepreneur working in carpentry – building furniture and even homes! He also works part time at an EI center in Congo…

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Because of you their futures are bright

from child survivors of war to leaders for peace  Because of your faithfulness for the past 10 years… 4,300+ children healing their wounds — being restored and empowered through art therapy, trauma counseling, discipleship, peace-building, and leadership development 800 youth being educated — equipping and preparing each to pursue their dreams and serve as respected leaders in their communities 36…

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Grateful for you

 Grateful for your partnership & compassion. For 10 years, you and Exile have worked to restore children’s lives. Why? Because every child — whether in Nashville, Dallas, or Goma, Congo — needs someone to care. 4,300 children served since 2008. With your help — 4,300 child survivors of war have received that care — care the restores and transforms the trajectory…

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Isaac: Child of Hope

Meet Isaac: Child of Hope I lost both my mother and my father to the warring in my country. It was a very sad and difficult situation, but my grandmother did her very best to raise me through it. However, as much as she tried, she lacked the money to be able to do so.…

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Christmas invitation from the founders

 Let’s make their Christmas bright! Give Healing & Hope  |  Donate Today With your help, children who would otherwise be on the streets or captive to rebel armies will have a place to belong… a place to heal the wounds of war & loss. Give gifts that last Select A Gift & Donate Here –…

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Pearl: The young girl with a determined spirit

Pearl “One can only fail to perform well in class when she does not know what she wants. I have free meals, beds, books, pens – what then can make me fail?”   Pearl is one of four children, and comes from a village in Northern Uganda. Her father died of HIV/AIDS, leaving her and…

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