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Fiona Fiona is the youngest of six siblings. She lost her father in the war when she was 5 years old. Soon after her father’s death, Fiona’s mother became sick and was unable to care for her children. They were soon left alone — with only the children left to care for one another. Having…

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Harriet’s Journey

Harriet’s Journey To Hope & Wholeness  In a single day, Harriet lost everything. She was a young girl when the LRA (rebellion army) brutally killed her father — abducting her mother and siblings. Three long weeks later, Harriet’s mother returned to their village, but she was not the same. Her mother, Grace, was psychologically and physically…

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Reunified Healer and Leader

Reunified Healer and Leader! Once a rescued child soldier himself, Joseph is now leading his community towards peace!  . But it was a long journey to reach this part of his story. As a child, Joseph was abducted, trafficked, and forced to fight in a rebel army. Due to the severe violence he witnessed and was forced…

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They’re Going Home!

Re·u·ni·fi·ca·tion – the reuniting of rescued child soldiers with their former community. Reunification is the final checkpoint on Exile’s Roadmap to Healing, and one of the most important steps to healing from the wounds of trauma… But, it’s also one of the most difficult steps.  Insight Most rescued child soldiers never get to return home…

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Step Into Their Stories

– “For all the information I have been given, I am responsible… I am honored to have stepped into the children’s story of healing. They are not what has been done to them. They are not what they were forced to do. They are beautiful, dreaming children in the hands of a redemptive God. What…

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Healing the Wounds of Trauma

Healing the Wounds of Trauma Recently, Exile’s US Team had the opportunity to be trained in Trauma Healing Institute’s curriculum — one of the trauma healing curriculums Exile’s Congolese and Ugandan counselors utilize daily. We were blessed to train alongside incredible counselors and social workers who aim to use this powerful tool to help trauma…

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#DAYOFTHEGIRL “I raise up my voice — not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard…we cannot succeed when half of us are held back.”  ―Malala Yousafzai     ❌130 million girls are out of school ❌71% of human trafficking victims are female ❌1 in 4 girls gets married as…

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A Message from Andrea

Empowering and Young Girls to Heal and to Thrive Hello friends and greetings from Congo! My name is Andréa and I am now a trauma counselor. Before, I was a student in Exile International’s programs in Congo. These programs changed my life. Oh, and by the way, I am now a counselor at the very…

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Color of Grace: Storming the Heavens

Chapter 18 | Storming the Heavens As Exile International celebrates 10 Years of Healing, we remember these words written by EI’s Founder, Bethany Haley Williams in her book The Color of Grace. My heart stopped. My breath left me. Even as I write these words and recall this story, my heart races and tears fall. I…

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