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The Privilege of Seeing Graduates Lead

They were rescued child soldiers. They are now leaders for peace! One of the greatest privileges of my year was visiting 3 graduates of EI’s program in DR Congo. Each of these young men exemplify what EI is striving to accomplish. Out of their own initiative and passion to serve others in need, Bahati, Shalom…

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Meet Joshua

Restored and Empowered Less than two years ago, Joshua was rescued from a rebel army in DR Congo. Plagued by illness and nightmares from his time in captivity, the road to healing included major hurdles. Yet, with proper care, even these traumatic experiences and scars can be overcome. Trauma and Scars Can Be Overcome Through EI’s programs and…

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Inspire Children to #BELIEVE

inspire children to #believe How life-changing it can be to know someone believes in you! So powerful that EI aims to instill this in every child we serve. Join us by sharing an encouraging for these children — let them know you too believe in them! YOUR encouragement could impact lives! Share your belief in these children! It’s…

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DRC Ground Update

In short — things were quite hairy for a while!  For a week, DR Congo echoed with riots and demonstrations over a controversial law-change its government was attempting to push through that would lengthen the unwanted tenure of DRC’s current President. In response to demonstrations, the government shut down internet connections across the country (just today being restored). Many…

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“The Color of Grace” by EI’s Founder, Bethany Haley Williams

A LETTER FROM THE AUTHOR Greetings from Congo… where UN helicopters are flying overhead, hot water and electricity are scarce, and joy abounds! I have some exciting news! For the past year, I have been working on a book, The Color of Grace. It is almost hard to believe that it’s now complete and available to order!…

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31 Children in 31 Days

A New Year.  A New You.  A NEW LIFE… Today, and for the next 31 days, we are asking you to consider sponsoring a child that, with your support, can receive NEW LIFE.  We are challenging YOU to step up and be a part of bringing spiritual, emotional, and physical care, as well as education…

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Give Back on Tuesday for Solomon

Celebrate #GivingTuesday with us December 2nd! Your impact will be DOUBLED through matching gifts and support children like Solomon. Help us raise $40,000 for rehabilitation programs! Solomon was abducted twice by Joseph Kony’s LRA rebel army. He was forced to see and do horrific things while in captivity. Incredibly, Solomon was rescued and, through the generous support…

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 #GivingTuesday Only — up to $20,000 will be matched! On December 2nd, join caring individuals around the world who are uniting to celebrate giving… giving of their time and resources to change lives! Give today and see the impact of your donation double! All donations will be matched by two of our generous friends, up to…

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This Christmas Season, You Can Restore Lives

By choosing to donate today, you can restore lives! — Your donation will give restoration to child survivors of war by providing Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Care, Education & Leadership Development   Restoring the Lives of Children Through December 31st, 100% of your donation will go to the field — funding rehabilitative care in DR Congo and northern Uganda. Join us…

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Help 110 Child Survivors Win $10,000

1 minute of your could to transform lives… Vote Now & Help 110 Child Survivors Win $10,000 that will give them holistic care, healing and hope The cause with the most votes wins. Don’t miss out on EXTRA votes for sharing. Help child survivors of war win $10,000 that will transform their lives! CLICK –…

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