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In Partnership to Enrich the World: Milkbarn + Exile Int’l

In Partnership to Enrich the World “We love seeing the world through a child’s eyes. We love their imaginations, their senses, and their wonder – running, romping, daydreaming, gazing at the clouds. That’s what Milkbarn is all about.” – Stacy Phillips, Milkbarn Kids Founder & Exile Board Member Milkbarn Kids is on a mission to create fresh…

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Barclay believes in Exile

. She can tackle anything… including the Ninja Warped Wall Barclay Stockett is a four time competitor on American Ninja Warrior. As you can see from the video, she has a big heart and a determined spirit. This dedication helps her tackle most anything she has a passion for and sets her mind to –…

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EI’s Co-CEO highlighted by Alma Mater

Interview with Exile’s Co-CEO Matthew Williams  “My heart breaks when I see the hope and joy that was stripped away from them.” – Matthew Williams, Exile International Co-CEO Matthew was recently chosen to have his story featured as a distinguished alumnus of Dallas Theological Seminary. Matthew received his master’s in counseling at Dallas Theological…

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Once a slave. Now a peacemaker.

 . “Then I was forced to kill. I remember the first time… it changed me.” My name is Baraka. I was 14 years old when I was abducted and taken into the forest. I was trained to fight, trained to shoot, I was forced to kill. I remember the first time… it changed me.…

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Learning to Say No

Learning to Say “No” ‘One day Rose and Joy were by themselves gathering food near the displacement camp. Rose suddenly asked, “You seem to be acting differently. Is something wrong?” Joy didn’t answer for awhile and then slowly and quietly she replied, “Something bad happened when we were out in the bush… and now I…

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Finding a Place to Belong: Bella’s Story

Bella “But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.” Genesis 39:21 This is Bella. She is the youngest of 10 children. When the war erupted, Bella’s whole village had to flee to the bush for safety. Later, they were…

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Meet Hanok | Be My Valentine!

Meet Hanok This is Hanok. His father died during the war when he was very young, and soon after, his mother abandoned him. Hanok was all alone when some local chiefs found him. They took Hanok from village to village, trying to find help for him. Eventually, they brought him to one of Exile’s care…

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Meet Catherine | Be My Valentine!

Meet Catherine This is Catherine. Catherine is one of five children. War broke out in her village when she was very young, and her father died in the war. Soon after, her mother was shot and killed while she was collecting food and firewood for the family. This left Catherine and her siblings orphaned and…

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Will you be my Valentine?

   . There’s no better Valentine than giving love, healing and hope – transforming the life of a child. Sign Up  Provide Healing & Hope provide a place to heal | a place to belong | restoration & more Sponsorship provides education, spiritual care, food, healthcare, trauma counseling, and leadership development to a child in…

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Be My Valentine | Meet Faith

  “Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18 . Meet Faith My name is Faith. I have two older brothers and am the youngest in my family. When I was 9 years old we were living in our village in Congo and life was very…

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